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WinRescue XP 1.08.31
Новость от: diim
Просмотров: 572
Четыре утилиты в одном - Crash Fixer, RegPack, File Backup и Troubleshooter - помогают решить различные проблемы в работе MS Windows. Crash Fixer восстанавливает систему после краха за 2 минуты; RegPack очищает системные реестр от всякого мусора; FileBackup создает резервные копии важных файлов; Troubleshooter помогает при решении проблем с системной памятью, подключением к Интернету, конфликтах устройств и т.п.
Four Tools in One: Crash Fixer, RegPack, File Backup, and Troubleshooter. Don't spend hours reinstalling Windows XP, restore in minutes with WinRescue XP. Defrag the Registry with RegPack. Back up files, directories, and types of files. Fix problems with the Troubleshooters. There are too many features to mention here. Now is the time to start backing up your data. You never know when something will happen that could wipe everything out. Be ready with WinRescue. WinRescue can be set up to run automatically. It can run minimized so that you can go on with your business. It is a good idea to back up to another drive. WinRescue will back up to harddrive, diskette, CD, DVD, DDCD, Zip Drive, Network Drive, and any device that can be copied to in Windows Explorer. Run WinRescue in Safe Mode, run the DOS version of WinRescue in another operating system (like, DOS or another Windows), or use the WinRescue bootup diskette to restore the Registry from outside of Windows.

Five Backup Types : - Full Backup backs up all of the specified files. - Incremental Backup only backs up files that have changed since the last Full or Incremental backup. Backed up files will not be backed up again until they change. - Differential Backup only backs up files that have changed since the last Full or Incremental backup. Backed up files will be backed up again on the next Backup. - Replace opens up the Backup File and replaces any of the specified files that are different. - Full (Archive not reset) Backup backs up all of the specified files, but does not reset the Archive attribute (this is for programs like Quicken which do not like the attributes of their files changed). Troubleshooters can help you track down problems in Windows. The following troubleshooters can be run from the Help tab of WinRescue. - Display, - Drives and Network Adapters, - DVD, - E-mail, - Games and Multimedia, - Hardware, - Home Networking, - Input Devices, - Internet Connection Sharing, - Internet Explorer, - Modem, - Printing, - Safe Mode, - Sharing (Files and Printers), - Sound, - Startup and Shutdown, - System Setup, - USB, and - Video Display. Размер: 970 KB
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Раздел: Программы | 01.10.05 | 03:06

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
teo61 01.10.05 | 03:27:56

Спасибо! Надеюсь это новая? Была у меня такая. В прошлом году потерял при крахе винта. Но, ключик все тот-же. Уж сколько версий не меняется. Как то странно. biggrin
ajiger 01.10.05 | 06:54:11

Программка действительно классная, я её ещё на Win'95 юзал. Спасибо!!! biggrin
mrcool 01.10.05 | 09:42:00

lol The Rescuerer of my system in a compact registry management. The best of its kind. Thank you 2baska.e\net idea
keygen_ir 01.10.05 | 19:17:57

i do crack for WinRescue XP 1.08.31 link: http://s1.ultrashare.net/hosting/fs/420655afc5671577/ by idea
keygen_ir 01.10.05 | 19:23:15

register by any serial biggrin biggrin
GoRo 01.10.05 | 20:08:38

Извиняюсь за непонятливость... а как ней пользоватся?
picaso 02.10.05 | 04:03:34

Если пользоваться не умеешь,то и качать нечего cool
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