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Core C# and .NET
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 3317
Core C# and .NET By Stephen C. Perry ............................................... Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR Pub Date: September 06, 2005 ISBN: 0-13-147227-5 Pages: 1008

Description: Written for C# 2.0 and .NET 2.0: contains coverage of generics, Master Pages, the DataGridView, and other new features Covers Web development, Windows development, data management, security, threading, remoting, and much more Presents hundreds of non-trivial code examples that help you solve real-world problems The Complete and Comprehensive Developer's Guide to C# 2.0 and .NET 2.0 Core C# and .NET is the no-nonsense, example-rich guide to achieving exceptional results with C# 2.0 and .NET 2.0. Writing for experienced programmers, Stephen Perry presents today's best practices for leveraging both C# 2.0 language features and Microsoft's .NET 2.0 infrastructure. Like all books in the Core Series, Core C# and .NET focuses on solving real-world problems with serious, non-trivial code. Perry's broad, deep coverage ranges from new C# generics to Web services, from reflection to security. He systematically introduces the development of Windows Forms applications and the effective use of GDI+ graphics classes. He offers detailed guidance on data management with XML and ADO.NET, plus advanced coverage of threading, remoting, and code security. Finally, Perry presents an extensive section on Web development, covering ASP.NET, state management, HTTP requests, and much more. With practical insights into everything from scalability to localization, this is the C# book you've been searching for: your definitive guide to building production-quality C# applications. Core C# and .NET delivers Best practices for building C#.NET Windows applications, Web applications, and Web services Expert insight into security, scalability, and other crucial issues Hundreds of professional-quality code examples In-depth coverage of the latest C# 2.0 features, including generics EVERY CORE SERIES BOOK: DEMONSTRATES practical techniques used by professional developers FEATURES robust, thoroughly tested sample code and realistic examples FOCUSES on the cutting-edge technologies you need to master today PROVIDES expert advice that will help you build superior software 4.75 MB Страница загрузки/Page of Loading

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Раздел: Книги | 04.10.05 | 16:48

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