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Digital Transforms Total Game Control v3.5(NeW!)
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 1057
Программа Total Game Control от Digital Transforms позволяет назначать любые кнопки клавиатуры ( или их сочерания) на кнопки джойстика. Поддержка переходников приставка-USB присутствует. ******************************************************************************************* The tool of serious gamers everywhere. This IS the gamer's edge! Total Game Control gives you exactly that - the ultimate control over your games. It works by mapping keyboard, mouse, and other events of your choosing to the controls on your game pad or joystick. You set up the controls the way you want. Tie complex moves to a single button, or map them to any combination of controls. It even works with console game pads such as Sony Playstation®, PS2, Gamecube, XBox, etc. when connected through a PC adapter.

Features Total Game Control is packed with all of the features you need! No other application even comes close to the features and ease of use that Total Game Control offers. Let's face it. In fierce combat or sports action, every edge you can get helps. Welcome to the next level. Total Game Control gives you that edge. No more time-consuming key searching or fumbling with the right key combination and/or timing. Get Total Game Control and start kicking some serious butt! If your gaming thing is more like the platformer, then Total Game Control is definitely for you as well. Got a difficult maneuver you'd like to make easy? Maybe a hard-to-hit diagonal at exactly the right time? No problem. Map it with Total Game Control and make even difficult moves easy. Finally, one game profiler for all gaming devices (pads, joysticks, wheels, etc.)! Works with any DirectX compatible gaming device (virtually all of them). Works with any game or application that accepts keyboard input. Easy to use interface! No device drivers required - Total Game Control installs to its own directory on your hard drive. Set up control combinations - your control options aren't limited to the number of buttons on your controller. Generate keystrokes (and other events) from any control or controls on your gaming device, such as D-pads, analog or digital axis, sliders, buttons (of course), or anything else your device has to offer. Configure keyboard key presses, mouse buttons, mouse movement, and system events such as volume and web browser control.* Will map all of the keys on a standard keyboard. Distinguish between left & right keys (alt, shift, ctrl, windows). Full control over playback timing. Enable auto-repeat if desired, with full control over timing. Run multiple instances of the application to enable multiple, simultaneous users on the same system using different controllers. The included Shortcut Enhancer utility makes using Total Game Control with your games a single operation. Written by a gamer for serious gaming. The author uses his own software. Comes with many example profiles. Works with other applications, not just games. Makes a great remote control! Perfect for DVD software control (comes with profiles for WinDVD and PowerDVD). Control your entire desktop! Configure mouse controls and run just about anything. * Volume and web browser controls require Windows 2000, XP or higher. System Requirements Total Game Control works with the following: Microsoft Windows® 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, and XP X64. DirectX® 8.0a or later (not included). A DirectX compatible game device (virtually all of them). Digital.Transforms.Total.Game.Control.v3.5.WinALL-CHiCNCREAM 899 KB Страница загрузки/Page of Loading

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Раздел: Программы | 06.10.05 | 20:45

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Vetalaz 07.10.05 | 08:05:27

Ага!!! Качается только с премиума... Есть ссылка на другой ресурс???
DobrijKot 08.10.05 | 15:45:57

Все скачивается отлично без "Премиума". Нужно всего лиш подождать секунд 20, и появится ссылка на скачивание.... smile Большое СПАСИБО за хорошую программу smile
Mineralex 17.12.06 | 00:27:15

brodyaga перезалей пожалуйста, пишет что файл удален. surprised
Mineralex 17.12.06 | 00:27:59

brodyga перезалей пожалуйста, пишет что файл удален. surprised
Liandri 17.12.06 | 00:51:33

Смысла нет, кряк к программе изначально битый. Опции сохранения недоступны, это всё равно что вечный урезанный trial.
Mineralex 05.01.07 | 20:18:24

Total Game Control v3.5 + рабочий кряк одним архивом
Pass/пароль: http://2baksa.net
Mineralex 05.01.07 | 20:21:17

пароль без http:/, сайт сам поставил ссылку
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