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WinZip 10.0 beta2 (Build 6644)
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 609
Бета-релиз новой версии своей программы-архиватора WinZip 10.0. Когда-то давно, более десяти лет назад WinZip стал чуть ли не первым ПО компрессии файлов с удобным графическим интерфейсом, благодаря чему завоевал колоссальную популярность (лишь с сайта CNET скачано около 100 млн. копий). Самый популярный zip-архиватор для Windows. Поддерживает также огромное количество других архивных форматов. Наделен приятным и чрезвычайно удобным интерфейсом, легко встраивается в систему. ******************************************************************************************* WinZip 10.0 includes major usability enhancements, improved compression technology and, is now available in a Standard and a Professional version. Both the Standard and Professional versions are made available in one distribution file. Functionality is determined by either a Standard or Professional registration code.

Both the Standard and Professional versions offer new, state-of-the-art compression technology allowing you to make even smaller Zip files, and a new Explorer-style view of your Zip file contents, making them easier to navigate, modify, and extract. Other enhancements include: the ability to create split (multi-volume) Zip files during compression, automatic update checking, and support for the Windows XP SP2 Attachment Manager. If you've ever used WinZip to backup data sets, archive important documents, or distribute information to others on a regular basis, you'll appreciate the WinZip Job Wizard, included in WinZip 10.0 Pro. The WinZip Job Wizard provides powerful productivity and automation features that help to simplify your repetitive compression tasks. Changes between Beta 1 (build 6044) and Beta 2 (build 6644) Support for DVD Burning has been added. You can now create a new Zip file on a DVD as well as on a CD. Note: CD/DVD writing is only available on systems with the Windows XP operating system. The Job Wizard "Select Items" feature has been changed. The left pane now only displays folders, instead of folders and files. In the Job Wizard, when you check (or include) a folder in either pane, the contents of that folder are now automatically displayed in the right pane. The "Reuse WinZip window" option is now turned off on installation. Miscellaneous bug fixes and minor enhancements, including: WinZip startup - Certain configurations would cause WinZip to take a long time to boot up. This has been corrected. The delay may still occur when accessing the CD/DVD writing. Job Wizard - "Select Items" no longer shows network shortcuts in either pane. To specifiy a network location, you must use Entire Network. Check for Updates ? did not work with Norton Internet Security, even after granting connection permissions. This has been addressed. 5.33 MB
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Thanks for MaRKuS TH-DJM

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Раздел: Программы | 07.10.05 | 16:01

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
zingonia 07.10.05 | 16:39:58

thx brother
Slon 08.10.05 | 08:38:54

Юзайте WinRAR? кому он нах нужен то этот WinZIP biggrin
poloz 10.10.05 | 15:17:04

я тож считаю что WinRAR намного лучше, а если уж нужно зазиповать..то тем же WinRARом это можно сделать
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