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ISO Commander 1.6 Build 037 Beta
Новость от: diim
Просмотров: 496
ISO Commander это утилита для работы с CD и DVD образами. Поддерживается создание и изменение загрузочных CD и DVD , прямое редактирование образов, конвертирование из различных форматов (BIN/ISO/DAO/NRG и др.) в стандартный ISO файл и многое другое... ******************************************************************************************* ISO Commander is a CD-ROM image file utility that can extract/edit/create ISO files directly, make bootable CDs and may also be used as a BIN/ISO/DAO/TAO/NRG etc. converter/extractor/editor. Unique particularity ISO Commander is full-scale editor of CD images!

Program features list: - Edit image files and folders using drag'n'drop. - Create image from files on your hard disc drive. - Add to the new or existing image boot image and also change or delete it. - Add, delete, rename and extract files and folders from the image. - Convert different images formats into standard ISO format. - Open CD/DVD disc as image, edit it and save result in the ISO image. - Create CD/DVD image by one mouse click. Additional ISO Commander features are: - Microsoft Windows XP standard interface that simplified your first program usage and also has many possibilities for expert work. - SuperLong file and folders names (up to 110 symbols). - Customizable toolbar. - Customizable reaction to the user actions. - Automatically image identification; - Files adding from the Microsoft Explorer and other file shells using drag'n'drop. - Bootable diskette copying into image compatible with WinImage format. - Files and folders find in the image using its names and ?,* symbols. - Detailed editable information about image. - Absolutely safe edited image saving. What new in 01.10.2005: ver 1.6.037 beta: [+] Add "Item size's" dialog [-] Fixed error when editing "Save and Run" item's [-] Fixed several of small errors. Размер: 935.3 KB

Patch Страница загрузки/Page of Loading

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Раздел: Программы | 08.10.05 | 21:55

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