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dvdisaster v.0.63 (Freeware!)
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 503
dvdisaster - тестирует диск на ошибки чтения и выводит графики в gnuplot. Также dvdisaster умеет создавать страховочные файлы (используя Рид-Соломон (Reed-Solomon) кодировку исправления ошибок) для востановления данных в случае возможных проблем от старения/порчи болванок. Сайт представляет исчерпывающую информацию об этой технологии. ******************************************************************************************* dvdisaster provides a margin of safety against data loss on CD and DVD media caused by aging or scratches. dvdisaster creates error correction codes to compensate read errors which are not correctable in the CD/DVD drive. dvdisaster tries to read as much data as possible from defective media. Afterwards unreadable sectors are recovered using the previously created error correction code. The maximum error correction capacity is user-selectable. If you create the error correction code file in time and keep it at a safe place, you have a good chance of recovering the medium contents from typical read errors and to transfer your complete data onto a new medium.

Latest changes: - added adaptive read strategy (thanks to Harald Bögeholz for the suggestion; see also the CREDITS file) - added -- fill-unreadble option for better compatibility with other tools (e.g. h2cdimage from c't magazine) - cut down information written to the log window in GUI mode as that could use up significant amounts of memory in worst case scenarios. Use command line mode if you are still interested in these messages. - fixed code for clean compile with gcc 4.0.1 - added auto-suffix option for automatically adding .img/.ecc to files given without an extension (thanks to Marcus for the suggestion!) - changed function test prototype in bash based configure from char* to char to work around misdetection of gcc's builtin gettext() (thanks to Heinz R. for pointing this out) - fixed crash in About requester when LANG environment was not set (thanks to Andreas for the patch!) 3.3 MB

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Раздел: Программы | 11.10.05 | 03:29

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
djhmelnitzki 11.10.05 | 04:00:54

жаль не поддерживает audio-CD sad а так прога супер rolleyes
teo61 11.10.05 | 05:13:03

Спасибо! biggrin
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