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Firegraphic 8.0.806
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 1019
Обновился Firegraphic - мощное приложение для просмотра, организации и быстрого вывода на печать Ваших коллекций изображений. Есть функция пакетной обработки изображений, которая дает возможность изменять размеры, конвертировать, переименовывать, применять фильтры к множеству изображений одновременно. Возможность печати нескольких изображений на одной странице. Получение изображений с цифровых устройств (камеры и т.п.). Быстрый механизм поиска. ******************************************************************************************* Firegraphic 8 is designed for Photoshop® users to work with images easier and faster. The Firegraphic engine loads thumbnails and images fast, and leaves more RAM for your Photoshop. Firegraphic is a powerful yet easy-to-use digital imaging management software which gives you a faster and easier way to import, view, organize, edit, print, and share your photo collections.

Some Features: *** Pop Up Photo Preview. Save space for more thumbnails to display on your screen with the pop up photo preview. Just move your mouse cursor over a thumbnail and the photo preview pops up. *** Flexible Printing Options. Print high-quality photos in any layout you want - individual photos, photo packages, & contact sheets. Preview the Printout Before You Print *** Easily Work with Third Party Image Editor. The compact mode lets you work with a third party image editor easily. You can align Firegrpahic and your image editor side-by-side, then drag your image right to the image editor for further editing. *** Change the Thumbnails Size. Whenever you want to make the thumbnail bigger or smaller, move the thumbnail size slider at the bottom of Firegraphic to change to the size you want. *** Change the Firegraphic Skin Color. With the new Firegraphic, you don't need to use an application in the standard windows blue color. You can change the Firegraphic skin color to your favorite color or according to your mood. *** Customize the Toolbar and the Viewer's Context Menu. Customize the tools in your toolbar and the Context menu in the Viewer to suit your working basis.Firegraphic 8 Features: - Improved Memory Usage - Firegraphic consumes very low memory and leaves more memory for you to edit your photos in the image editor. - RAW File Formats Supported - Firegraphic 8 now supports RAW file formats from digital cameras*. (* Camera Manufacturer RAQ Support: Canon, Kodak, Nikon, Olympus) - Easy to work with third party image editors - The Compact Mode lets you view and edit photos with a third party image editor much easier. - Redesigned user interface - the new Firegraphic user interface let you switch between the compact mode and advanced mode, which gives you a better way to work with your photos. - Flexible printing options - Get the most from your photo paper and print photos any way you want - individual photos, photo packages, and contact sheets. - Change the Firegraphic skin color - Get rid of the standard Windows blue color and change the Firegraphic skin color to your favorite color or according to your mood. - Change thumbnails size easily - Whenever you want to make the thumbnail bigger or smaller, move the thumbnail size slider at the bottom of Firegraphic to change to the size you want. - Customizable Toolbar and Viewer's context menu - Customize the tools in your toolbar and the Context menu in the Viewer to suit your working basis. 5.15 MB Страница загрузки/Page of Loading

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Раздел: Программы | 15.10.05 | 23:05

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
mrcool 16.10.05 | 16:01:14

biggrin Thanks 2baksa,net
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