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DVD Rebuilder Professional Edition v1.01 (Final)
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 727
Финальная версия программы, предназначенной для копирования DVD дисков. Утилита умеет делать точную копию DVD, включая субтитры, меню, языковые переводы фильма и т.д. Во время своей работы DVD Rebuilder создаёт проект, в котором и помещаются все данные, считанные с DVD диска. Программа хороша тем, что может скопировать только нужные вам данные с диска. Например, при копировании фильма вы можете выбрать субтитры нужного вам языка или создать фильм, в котором будет находиться только оригинальный звуковой ряд, без перевода. Данная программа не умеет записывать диски на пишущем приводе, она только подготавливает DVD для записи и копирует его на компьютер. DVD Rebuilder пригодится ещё для того, чтобы ужать оригинальный DVD диск, который может быть объёмом более 10 гб, для записи на обычную DVD-болванку объёмом 4.7 гб. Впоследствии такой диск можно просматривать на стационарном DVD проигрывателе или компьютере. Обратите внимание: при своей работе для перекодирования видео, DVD Rebuilder может использовать следующие кодеки: CinemaCraft Encoder Basic/SP, QuEnc (ffmpeg) encoder и ReJig transcoder (один из этих кодеков должен быть установлен в системе). Весь процесс по копированию DVD диска подробно описан в файле Rebuilder.txt, находящемся в дистрибутиве программы. В этой версии улучшена работа программы из командной строки, улучшен алгоритм перекодирования DVD файлов, исправлен ряд ошибок.
Over the course of the past couple of years DVD ripping techniques have changed dramatically. Newer "one click" programs have made backing up a DVD a fairly simple process... but there is a significant trade-off. The quality that can be attained by even the best of these programs is poor in comparison to original techniques that used Cinemacraft Encoder, TMPGEnc, or other top-notch encoders. The reason is simple. When using one of these encoders the picture is rebuilt from scratch and optimized for the resulting bit rate. One-touch transcoders usually change quantization and/or motion info in order to lower the bit rate. This can result in pixelation and poor overall picture. But, man, they sure are convenient.

That's where DVD ReBuilder (DVD-RB) comes in. This program was built to bridge the gap between the incredibly easy but limited "one-click" solutions and the incredibly complex but high-quality methods of DVD ripping and backup. Another advantage of DVD-RB when compared to older methods is that it doesn't require access to an expensive authoring package. DVD-RB includes its own reauthoring engine that reconstructs the DVD in a way compatible with its original design. CHANGES MADE TO PRO VERSION ONLY - Fixed a glitch in which attempting to overwrite the "DVDFILESVIDEO_TS" could result in being asked the same "Overwrite?" prompt twice. - Fixed "Runtime Error 63" that could happen on certain ILVU sections under specific circumstances. - Fixed "Runtime Error 5" when deleting Batch items when using one of the non-version-one skins. - Fixed "Runtime Error 52" that could happen at the end of the PREPARE phase on ILVU titles that end on with ILVU section. Version 1.01 - Found and corrected an inconsistency related to the SML_AGLI table that could affect various chapter and searching functions on ILVU sections. Version 1.00 - Updated the method for one pass encoding prediction for HC encoder. The changes in RC6.0 had a negative impact on the prediction for HC and caused it to require more passes rather than fewer. - Fixed an error that could cause SCR value to drift over time under some unique circumstances and cause timing irregularities with possible stutter. - Changed the default value for 32k padding to "off". Also removed the setting from the ISO Options form. While the format is compliant with DVD standards, there are too many 3rd party packages that have trouble reading ISO images with padding. I've decided the benefits are outweighed by the disadvantages. For those purists who wish to enable it anyway -- it can be enabled by adding the line "Enable_32K_Padding=1" in the [Options] area of REBUILDER.INI. The older "Disable_32K_Padding" is now ignored and should be removed. - Modified HC values to preset GOP size to 12 rather than AUTO for sources that will receive pulldown flags. This is necessary to ensure GOP time length parameters stay within DVD specs. - Corrected an error that could cause a "Runtime Error 9" during rebuild under certain conditions while processing reencoded ILVU sequences. - Changed the default state for "Status Logging" to ON. - Implemented checks to ensure the DVD Volume Label is checked and enforced for maximum length (31 chars). - Added some updates that will make DVD-RB work more reliably with the output of DVDFab Decrypter. - Added support for burning ISO images with ImgBurn, Lightning UK's latest burner. Use is automatic, DVD Rebuilder will recognize when ImgBurn is installed and it will be used. DVD Decrypter now becomes the secondary choice for burning. - Fixed an error in which "Create/Write Project ISO Image" was not properly writing the created image to the blank DVD disc. - Improved error detection in Write-To-Disc function. - Enabled a type of "2-Click" mode for those using add-ons following PREPARE. Now you can click REBUILD following a PREPARE and it if ENCODE has not already been performed, it will be automatically executed. It can also be used to RESUME jobs that were stopped during ENCODE. 5.4 MB Страница загрузки/Page of Loading

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Раздел: Программы | 19.10.05 | 23:27

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
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dtr 20.10.05 | 01:26:49

спасибо smile
Nabla 22.11.05 | 13:46:11

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