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dual DVD copy Silver/Gold 3.69/Platinum v3.09
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 564
Dual DVD copy Platinum позволяет Вам делать копии с Video-DVD дисков на DVD-R/RW, DVD+R9(Dual Layer) or CD-R/RW media. Для этого Вам понадобится DVD-RW, DVD+RW или CD-RW пишущий привод. Также вы можете сохранить фильм в avi фале на Вашем жестком диске. Вам не стоит тревожиться если у вас combo-привод, который используется и для чтения и для записи.. Программа способна выполнить копирование, используя только привод, который вначале используется как DVD-ROM, а только после этого как CD/DVD Burner. ****************************************************************** Dual DVD copy Platinum allows you to make copy of the Video-DVD disk to DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, DVD+R9(Dual Layer) or CD-R/RW media. For this purpose you need the DVD-RW, DVD+RW or CD-RW burning drive. Also you can save movie as AVI file on your hard drive.

You should not worry if you have combo drive which is used for reading and burning. Application able to perform copying using only one CD-RW/DVD-+RW/DVD-ROM device which is at first used as DVD-ROM and then as CD/DVD Burner. If the movie can't be fited into one disk the application asks you to insert another one to burn the last part of the movie on second disk. dual DVD copy Features Make high quality 1:1 backup copies of all your DVD movies on DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW disks (4.5GB) Make high quality 1:1 backup copies of all your DVD movies on Dual Layer DVD+R9 disks (8.5GB) Fit the DVD movie from your Video-DVD disk just on to one DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW disk Compress the whole Video-DVD disk into on to one DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW disk Copies DVD movie to CD-R/RW disks Highest Possible Video & Audio Quality Restore Scratched or Defective DVD movies Supports both NTSC and PAL DVD movies Free Technical Support dual DVD copy: Ripping to DVD DVD to DVD mode performs the copying single and dual layers DVD disks on DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW and DVD+R9 media. The copying needs little of time because of the performance algorithms used in the application. For DVD5 disks (Single Layer) application makes the precise image of the source media. All menus and subtitles are also stored in the resulted DVD disk. The DVD9 (Dual Layer) disks could be copied using tree different modes: Extract one video chain and burn it to DVD+R/RW or DVD-R/RW media; Recompress the whole Video-DVD disc with menus and extras and fit it into on DVD+R/RW or DVD-R/RW media; Make the exact copy of the Video-DVD disk and burn it to DVD+R9 media; Application asks you to select the mode before ripping process starts. The higest quality of the copy could be created using third mode because no recomression of the video performed. When using first mode application extracts only one video chain and one audio stream for the movie. The video chain and audio stream is selected by you. This allows to store the whole movie with the best quality. To use this mode you should have DVD+ or DVD- burner with any of the hardware interfaces (IDE, USB, FireWire). dual DVD copy: Ripping to VCD DVD to VCD Mode allows you to store Video-DVD content on CD-R/RW media. The source video and audio streams are recompressed to MPEG-1 with the lower quality then the source data. In most cases the whole movie can't be fited to one CD-R/RW disk so you will need 2 or possibly 3 CD-R/RW disks. The movie will be splitted automatically to desired size of parts. The burnt VCD disks could be played on any DVD Player. To use this mode you need the CD-R/RW burner with one of the hardware interfaces: IDE, USB, FireWire. dual DVD copy: Ripping to DivX This feature allows you to store Movie in computer file format. The files will be with AVI extention. This means that it could be used with Windows Media Player or any other software player which support AVI files. The output file is encoded by the selected by you codec. So you need any video codecs to be intalled on your computer to use this feature. The quality of the resulted video and time for encoding depends directly from the selected codec. The fastest now are DivX and Xvid codecs. Also they provide good enough quality of the video. dual DVD copy Silver 3.69 © 2005 dual DVD copy Software Incl Serial-TE dual DVD copy Gold 3.69 © 2005 dual DVD copy Software Incl Serial-TE dual DVD copy Platinum v3.09 © 2005 dual DVD copy Software Incl Serial-TE
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Раздел: Программы | 22.10.05 | 17:54

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Teo 24.10.05 | 04:53:18

Спасибо! biggrin
Павел 03.11.05 | 22:17:06

files/6606332/Dual_DVD_Copy_SGP_GoldWareZ.rar.html has been deleted. Удален! eek
Павел 04.11.05 | 23:45:14

А Я говорю, У Д А Л Е Н ! evil
Павел 05.11.05 | 19:43:58

Фаила то нету! question
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