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Mount & Blade v1.011 (by TaleWorlds Entertainment)
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 2004
Поединки рыцарей, рубка со степняками, смятая копытами пехота — это жестокий мир Средневековья, и он принадлежит всадникам. Mount & Blade — единственная игра, в которой воин и его конь становятся единой боевой машиной. Пройдите путь от простого наёмника до владетельного сеньора. Начните с участия в турнирах и охраны караванов, выполняйте мелкие поручения феодалов, зарабатывайте известность и опыт — с ними потекут золото в ваши карманы и люди в ваш отряд. Соберите под своим знаменем могучую армию, штурмуйте замки, жгите вражеские деревни — бросьте вызов королям этой земли!

Mount&Blade is an immersive medieval action/tactics game taking place in a fictitious land named Calradia. Enriched with RPG elements, Mount&Blade offers a captivating environment, beautifully detailed with hundreds of castles, towns, and villages to explore.
Master your mounted and on foot combat skills, choosing from a vast arsenal of medieval weaponry including polearms, axes, swords, bows and many more. Serve as a vassal under a powerful king, or raise your own armies and compete for domination of Calradia. Mount&Blade gives you the ultimate freedom of gameplay. Explore the vast sandbox environment, visiting hundreds of unique locations and characters.

• Огромный мир с более сотней поселений
• Продвинутая экономическая модель в духе «Корсаров»
• Динамическая политическая система
• Более десятков навыков и умений у главного героя

• Engage in combat against a variety of kingdoms, factions, and rogue warriors - both on foot and horseback.
• Use one of the most sophisticated and yet intuitive sword-fighting systems ever devised. Fight on foot or on horseback in epic battles.
• Seek adventure alone, or engage enemies with your army. You and your companions will grow in strength and intelligence as you gain more and more experience and skills, discovering the plains of Calradia.
• Conquer castles, tax villagers, and expand your domain in your bid for the throne of Calradia. Enlist the help of lords, commoners, and heroes - each with their own unique personality traits and shifting allegiances.
• Mount&Blade's sophisticated AI adapts to your field tactics, as well as individual assaults: armies try to block up your troops with counter-formations, and individual attacks are met with cunning defenses and skillful counter-offensives.
• Carry your adventure to the future with the Mount&Blade space mod, exploring alien worlds with light-sabers instead of Mount&Blade's default medieval Earth setting. Over a hundred other community built mods with new environments and weapons means that Mount&Blade never gets old!

System requirements:
• Windows XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 9c
• 1.5 GHz
• 512 MB RAM

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14


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Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Игры | 02.07.10 | 23:54

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Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
FrenFolio 03.07.10 | 00:09:57

Mirror (зеркало) to LetItBit

Haximob 03.07.10 | 12:00:48

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