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Torchlight 2 v1.21.2.1/v1.21.5.1 (by Runic Games) Eng/Ger/Pol/Rus
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 28694
Амбициозное продолжение полюбившейся игрокам и критикам игры Torchlight, в котором прославившие оригинал особенности сочетаются с продуманными и интересными нововведениями.
Некогда герои Torchlight спасли мир от древнего и могущественного существа Ордрака. И вот, спустя годы, некто украл эссенцию его мощи и использовал ее, чтобы нарушить баланс шести элементов. Вам довелось стать свидетелем разрушительного действия ужасного артефакта...
Теперь вы должны отыскать злодея и предотвратить вселенскую катастрофу. Его след ведет вас через истерзанные войной степи и пустоши к руинам старинного города гномов. А затем вам предстоит углубиться в подземное царство, куда тысячи лет не ступала нога смертного и откуда грозит обрушиться на мир невиданное доселе ужасающее Зло...

The award-winning action RPG is back, bigger and better than ever! Torchlight II takes you back into the quirky, fast-paced world of bloodthirsty monsters, bountiful treasures, and sinister secrets - and, once again, the fate of the world is in your hands!
Torchlight II captures all the flavor and excitement of the original game - while expanding the world and adding the features players wanted most, including online and LAN co-op multiplayer. Torchlight II is fast, fun, and filled to the brim with action and loot. Adventure solo or online with your friends!

• Создайте уникального во всех отношениях героя или героиню, выбрав один из четырех новых классов. Одарите персонажа умениями и снарядите его по своему вкусу.
• По максимуму прокачанных персонажей не возбраняется отправлять «в отставку», при этом они могут «подарить» некоторые свои достижения и навыки новобранцам. Наследие героев будет жить!
• Беспрепятственно путешествуйте по обширным землям; исследуйте города; сражайтесь днем и ночью при любой погоде, которая, как известно, переменчива... Впрочем, как и всё в мире Torchlight II. Посещая места, где бывали прежде, вы заметите немало изменений, произошедших за ваше отсутствие.
• Хотите завести верного четвероногого друга? В Torchlight II богатый выбор питомцев, которые обладают всевозможными полезными способностями. Например, подопечного можно послать в город продать добычу, а самому передохнуть и... Да! Порыбачить!
• Играйте с друзьями по Интернету. Новая система организации многопользовательского режима позволит вам найти единомышленников, объединиться с ними в героическое братство и отправиться на поиски приключений вместе.
• В проекте представлена новая версия игрового редактора TorchEd. Создавайте собственные модификации и дополнительные материалы для мира Torchlight II, делитесь ими с друзьями и используйте сообща.

• Multiplayer - Play co-op with your friends via LAN or over the Internet for free. No subscriptions, no item sales. Our new matchmaking service lets you find friends, start new games, and join existing games. And, as always, you can play single-player offline as well.
• Customizable Characters - Players will create and customize a character from one of four brand new classes. Each class can be played as either male or female, with customized cosmetic features and looks to make each individual character stand out. All new skills and loot give loads of opportunity for unique character builds.
• Moddability - TorchED, the Torchlight II editor, will give players the ability to create their own mods, adding even more content to the world. Have your friends download the same mod and play together. TorchED will be available as a separate download very shortly after launch.
• New User Interface - Torchlight II boasts a new and improved user interface, designed to be easier than ever for new players to pick up and play. This intuitive interface ensures you can focus on playing the game the way you want to.
• Open World - We're not only in the town of Torchlight anymore! Explore vast overland areas and multiple hub towns, fight through rain, snow, day and night. Our level randomization ensures new layouts, paths, loot, and monsters every time you play.
• New Game Plus - In New Game Plus, the game's not over until you say it is. Once you've beaten Torchlight II's primary campaign, you can start again with the same character for a significantly greater challenge. You'll keep all of the skills, gold, and gear you worked so hard for!
• Pets & Fishing - These popular features make their return in Torchlight II in improved form. More choices, better effects, and your pet will still make the run to town to sell your loot so you don’t have to.

Changelog v1.11.2.3/v1.11.5.3

Changelog v1.12.2.7/v1.12.5.7

Changelog v1.13.2.12/v1.13.5.12

Changelog v1.14.2.5/v1.14.5.5

Changelog v1.15.2.2/v1.15.5.2

Changelog v1.16.2.3/v1.16.5.3

Changelog v1.17.2.14/v1.17.5.14

Changelog v1.18.2.1/v1.18.5.1

Changelog v1.19.2.7/v1.19.5.7

Changelog v1.20.2.3/v1.20.5.3

Changelog v1.21.2.1/v1.21.5.1

System requirements:
• Windows XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 9c
• 1.4 GHz
• 1 GB RAM

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18


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Скачать / Download - BayFiles | BitShare | FileFactory | FreakShare | SockShare | ZOMGupload - 180 MB
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Раздел: Игры | 15.01.13 | 03:18

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
FrenFolio 20.09.12 | 22:14:31

Mirror (зеркало) to TurboBit



Liandri 20.09.12 | 22:34:58

Soundtrack: http://download.runicgames....
Thircase 21.09.12 | 07:42:23

• Mirror • SharpFile •


Original Soundtrack
chewi 21.09.12 | 08:51:13

Спасибо за игру!

М.б. Critter Crunch тоже когда-нибудь зарелизите?
rrtrt 21.09.12 | 19:55:25

Отдельно кряк можно?
Liandri 21.09.12 | 20:23:36

rrtrt 21.09.12 | 23:58:40

fatalerror1 23.09.12 | 13:48:03

first patch released
Liandri 23.09.12 | 14:25:07

Update v1.10.2.2 added. It's made from Runic Games version (non-Steam version).

Steam saves folder:
Documents\My Games\Runic Games\Torchlight 2\save\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\
where XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - random digit number
Runic Games saves folder:
Documents\My Games\Runic Games\Torchlight 2\save\

Corresponding Steam version update may be released later, it may have increased version number (1.10.x.x) but same set of changes.
Liandri 23.09.12 | 15:19:08

Steam version added to update v1.10.2.2, resulting update release marked v1.11.5.1.
To launch Steam version after update - use shortcut "Torchlight 2 (Steam)" from Start menu or Torchlight2_steam.exe.
Liandri 23.09.12 | 21:26:04

Update v1.11.2.3/v1.11.5.3 added.
tindrli 25.09.12 | 21:31:53

having problem to update .. when execute.. look.


and then it says update done no errors detected . but after starting a game .. the version is the sad
anyone have same problem??
Liandri 25.09.12 | 22:01:29

Errors from xdelta are not very important here, look at final result after "Verifying" part. You probably already have the latest update installed.

v1.11.2.3 is Runic Games version. Corresponding Steam version is v1.11.5.3 and it is playable from shortcut "Torchlight 2 (Steam)" from Start menu or Torchlight2_steam.exe.

FYI, these versions are same in terms of bugs/fixes. You just have to choose which one you want to use, because they are saving into different folders (see my previous comments) or maybe you already used Steam version and don't want to move your old savegames.
tindrli 25.09.12 | 22:40:32

i didnt know that i have both.. steam and runic surprised
and i wondering where my save went after an update :D

thank you very much
fatalerror1 26.09.12 | 09:16:59

another patch out
Liandri 26.09.12 | 09:24:58

No, not yet.
PandaMan 26.09.12 | 14:50:23

Mirror (зеркало) to filerio

PandaMan 26.09.12 | 14:55:09

Original Soundtrack
Liandri 05.10.12 | 10:11:03

Update v1.12.2.7/v1.12.5.7 added.
stoled 05.10.12 | 13:47:06

thank you, hope you guys release half minute hero smile
fatalerror1 05.10.12 | 18:34:57

thx quite fast ;-) will you guys make also this patches and dlcs:
trine 2 v1.19, Dungeons of Dredmor Conquest of the Wizardlands DLC, Mad Riders- Daredevil Map pack and Rock of Ages v1.09 patch(Obstacle Course mode + Block skin ) and awesomenauts DLCs?
raya2 06.10.12 | 23:50:38

Patches, Updates and DLCs are good but Games are more important:

Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy
prudislav 07.10.12 | 01:28:42

thx for T2 patch -
Theta you are the best nonscene group ;-) surprised surprised
hope that you also make soon some another new steam games:
-half minute hero
-new star soccer 5
-Planets under attack
-Castle Crashers
-Hell Yeah
-Ether Vapor
-Kung-fu strike
-Dogfight 1942
patches/dlcs fatalerror1mentioned would be also neat
raya2 07.10.12 | 01:41:53

The games below are already released by other groups (just google them):

-Castle Crashers
-Hell Yeah wrath...
-Ether Vapor
-Kung-fu strike
-Dogfight 1942
prudislav 07.10.12 | 01:58:15

yep thats true for Hell Yeah and Ether vapor
but Kungfu strike + Dogfight recently got DLCs
and Castle Crashers will be patched at least twice(one was announced and second promised) and don think that faniso will release those patches too sad
Liandri 12.10.12 | 01:44:14

Update v1.13.2.12/v1.13.5.12 added.
fatalerror1 12.10.12 | 08:40:22

castle crashers +dlc?
new star soccer 5
R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War
trine 2 v1.19
Dungeons of Dredmor +Conquest of the Wizardlands
Mad Riders- Daredevil Map pack
Quantum Conundrum DLCs The Desmond Debacle and IKE-aramba!
Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise + Master Level
Toy Soldiers v1.1
Magicka: Dungeons and Daemons+ pstch
yoko 12.10.12 | 11:10:45

Trine 2 1.1.9 is released by Skidrow some time ago..
fatalerror1 12.10.12 | 12:07:00

yoko: Its better install Theta v1.19 patch on theta version than skidrow patch on theta version.
Liandri 19.10.12 | 00:24:05

Update v1.14.2.5/v1.14.5.5 added.
Liandri 20.10.12 | 02:50:43

Update v1.15.2.2/v1.15.5.2 added.

Crack-only (works as manual update for v1.14.2.5/v1.14.5.5):
Bang2Rights 20.10.12 | 14:10:44

xapgpecem 21.10.12 | 02:31:55

Can anyone tell me, please, are the all of these Torchlight II updates cumulative, or do I have to apply all of them, or only the last one v1.15.2.2/v1.15.5.2? NFO doesn't say anything about that. question
Liandri 21.10.12 | 13:54:13

When our NFO doesn't say anything about that - it means you don't have to worry about it. They are cumulative.

As for my previous comment, it includes the crack-only files for the latest update, and i noted that it can be used to manually update v1.14.2.5/v1.14.5.5 into v1.15.2.2/v1.15.5.2, for those who don't want to download 137 mb again.
xapgpecem 21.10.12 | 21:24:33

Thank you, Liandri.
Liandri 23.10.12 | 12:53:06

Update v1.16.2.3/v1.16.5.3 added.

Crack-only (works as manual update for v1.14.x.x - v1.15.x.x):
Liandri 16.11.12 | 01:26:19

Update v1.17.2.14/v1.17.5.14 added. No manual updates this time.
Liandri 17.11.12 | 14:04:04

Update v1.18.2.1/v1.18.5.1 added.

Crack-only (works as manual update for v1.17.x.x):
Liandri 01.12.12 | 03:41:15

Update v1.19.2.7/v1.19.5.7 added.
Liandri 13.12.12 | 03:02:26

Update v1.20.2.3/v1.20.5.3 added.
Liandri 15.01.13 | 03:20:45

Update v1.21.2.1/v1.21.5.1 added.
fatalerror1 06.04.13 | 01:06:08

v1.22 + editor out now
RezMar 06.04.13 | 18:18:27

Pls can u put new update with editor
v1.23.x.5 question
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